Welcome to
my blog!
My name is Sherry Power and I
am a Professional Organizer and a Certified Senior Move Manager. I help people get their homes and their lives
organized. Join me while I share
organizing tips that will help you streamline your home and your life. I offer tips on time management such as Eat The Frog First. I also offer organizing tips like 15 Ways To Stay More Organized In The Bathroom
and 11 Tips For Parting With Your Clothes Check out some of the great before
and after photos such as the one for my bedroom closet. Even though I am a professional organizer
there are times that my own home needs my services. Living in a house that is over 110 years old
there is always a new renovation project on the horizon. Not only will I give you a glimpse into how I
organize my own home, I will also explain why.
My other
passion in life is cooking. Occasionally
I will throw in a recipe on this blog although I try to keep in line with
making life easier for you. Some of my
recipes are about canning the season’s bounty so that you have a well-stocked
pantry but it could also be a great crockpot recipe that will save you time in
your busy schedule.
I share my
beautiful old home with my husband, Mr. P, who owns a plumbing company, my two
sons (D, who is apprenticing to become a plumber like his father and J, who is
studying to become a chef) and my 3 little, fluffy dogs Zoe, Jax and Petey. Even though my children are grown things can
still get a little hectic around here but I honestly would not trade my life
for anything in the world!
I am a proud member of Professional Organizers in Canada.